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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Marlene

Subject: Crochetlover

Comment: My grandma taught me how to crochet the single and double crochet with the needle when I was a teenager. She crocheted everything and I had been watching her. I crochet now and then. I thank her for teaching me with her patience. She is gone to heaven in 1997 and wondering if she continues crocheting in heaven. smile, I love crochet with needle in my hands. It makes me relax, patience, love, and off worries! from crochetlover

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Trisha

Subject: Cardboard Crochet

Comment: Someone close to me once had the notion that tight small stitches would be warmer, because there were no airholes. Instead, the finished squares felt like stiff cardboard. It has taken me years of making afghans for sale for her to see that a larger hook with looser stitches is more warm and pleasant! I pity the Project Linus chapter that received her earlier "warmer" squares as a donation -- even though they were certainly donated with the best of intentions. Tension is the trickiest thing about crocheting by far. :) Happy crocheting and don't pull too tightly.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Ruthann

Subject: The way it began

Comment: My mom taught me to crochet at a very young age. Then she only had 10% vision. I was an only child and we lived in isolated places it helped me pass the time. During my teen years I had a real pride in the groovy things I could make. As time passed I was married my husband went to Viet Nam we found out I was pregnant the day he left. I watched the news and did needle work lots of needlework it kept me grounded. Now it still keeps me level. My mom is almost blind now and I tell her often what a blessing her gift was to me and to others for I am a big gift giver.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Trisha

Subject: Cardboard Crochet

Comment: Someone close to me once had the notion that tight small stitches would be warmer, because there were no airholes. Instead, the finished squares felt like stiff cardboard. It has taken me years of making afghans for sale for her to see that a larger hook with looser stitches is more warm and pleasant! I pity the Project Linus chapter that received her earlier "warmer" squares as a donation -- even though they were certainly donated with the best of intentions. Tension is the trickiest thing about crocheting by far. :) Happy crocheting and don't pull too tightly.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Ana

Subject: Then and Now

Comment: When I first started crocheting, I was extremely tense. My crochet pieces were so tight and small—sometimes I couldn’t even get my hook in the correct stitch because it was too small! Everything turned out the wrong shape and curled at bizarre angles. Ohhh! I remember one incident that helped me laugh and loosen up. It had recently rained, and I was inside working with brand new white crochet thread. Our little dog came in—he’s a pert little thing—and decided to come over and see what I was doing. He came and rested his nose on my work—“How’s it coming? Looks good to me!”—and, in the process, got my white crochet thread muddy. He had been outdoors poking his nose around. I had to laugh! Now, years later, I can crochet loosely and tight, depending on what I want, and I make sure the dog’s nose doesn’t get near my thread!

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