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The winter issue of Crochetvolution is now online (with free patterns). - 4531 days ago Added pattern links in 2 batches (hours apart) today (Oct 27th). If you checked early, check back now for more. - 4538 days ago Visit our sister sites: Knitting Pattern Central Cross Stitch Pattern Central Tatting Pattern Central Embroidery Pattern Central ![]() |
Encouragement and TestimonialsHere you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit! Jump to submit form ![]() Monday, September 27, 2004Name: Sharon Subject: It's Time!! Comment: I've always been a crocheter.... well, for about forty years. ![]() Friday, September 24, 2004Name: Donna Subject: In my mom's memory Comment: My mom taught me to crochet. I never really had time for it. I was too busy working taking care of my little one, going to school, ect. Them my mom died of an anuerism at the young age of 57. This devestated me. I quit working and became a stay-at-home mom. I picked up the crochet craft again and it has been very theraputic for me. Very healing, because it is a connection to my mom. I love her and miss her. ![]() Monday, September 20, 2004Name: Lisa Subject: grandma Comment: I was the only grand-daughter out of 9 grandchildren and my grandma would always crochet blankets, scarfs, barbie dresses, dolls and the list goes on and on. She will be 90 next year and no-longer crochets. The last thing she gave me was a baby blanket for my second child. She always had a blanket for each baby born. I have since learned to crochet and now I am making blankets for babies. It is such a wonderfull gift for someone. They really cherish them. People realize the time put into crocheting and they usually tell me that they would love to learn but that they don't have time or the talent. I like to show people basic stitches to let them know it is not that hard to learn. I would like to thank my grandma for all the things she has made for me. (and there is alot). She is very special to me and I hope she has years to come so that she can see what I have been inspired to do by her. I love you grandma. ![]() Friday, September 03, 2004Name: Rose Subject: beginning crochet Comment: I was a young bride 22yrs. ago when I first learned to crochet. My husband's grandmother used to crochet all the time and I asked her to show me how. Well, she burst out crying and when I asked why, she said that not one of her daughters or nieces had ever asked her how to crochet. We became very close after that...she has since passed on but I still crochet and am now passing the craft onto my daughter and her girl scout troop. By the way, I made the "posh poncho" for one of my daughter's friends and she loved it. Of course, now all of her friends want one! ![]() Thursday, September 02, 2004Name: Linda Subject: lives on Comment: My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about 10 years old. She showed me how to make the different stitches. Later when I was in college I taught myself to read patterns, I'm not an expert but I love to crochet and a day feels wrong if I don't do at least one row on a project. I feel that my grandmother lives on in the pieces that I make. ![]() Thursday, August 26, 2004Name: Tonyne Subject: Tight Knit Comment: Having this site has been a blessing! I am a beginning crocheter and all of my work is tight, mismatched and uneven. I often think I'm just not cut out for this hobby, but I'm so happy to hear I'm not alone in my beginning struggles. I love the hobby so much and the end results can be so beautiful...just not mine yet. But I'm going to stick with it! :) Happy stitching! ![]() Wednesday, August 25, 2004Name: Ricki Subject: good things from adversity Comment: My mom learned to crochet when she was unfortunately incarcerated for about two years. She made 16 afghans in that time, learning from some of the other ladies, and then she taught me to crochet at about 12 years old. I am now 20 and my fiance calls me the "crochet queen." I have been making all kinds of things, but I would like to try clothes. I am having a very difficult time finding the patterns that I want, so I think I'll just have to pull the pattern out of thin air to make something like I want. I am considering crocheting my wedding dress, but haven't made up my mind on that idea yet. I do enjoy the craft very much, maybe one day I can create a "crochet castle" for David and his "crochet queen." ![]() Friday, August 20, 2004Name: Rene Subject: encouragement Comment: I also learned to crochet from my grandma. Starting with pot holders. when we would vist her once a yaer on vacation. Later I had to self teach stitches for larger projects. But have enjoyed this craft, I am especially fond of making doilies. I wanted to encourge the men out there who are crocheting by saying my grandfather crocheted in the evening with grandma for relaxation, and from those evenings produced some blue ribbon afgans at the county fair. He also knitted socks and gloves for hunting season. One of my favorite stories grandma would always tell was how the ladies in the county would cringe to see grandpa coming to the fair with his afgans because they knew he would get the blue ribbons. Thanks for sharing and being encouraging, so we can keep this an active art form. ![]() Friday, August 20, 2004Name: Tammy Subject: my daughter Comment: I taught my amanda how to crochet when she was 9 years old,its a passion of mine,i cant sew or knit.but give me a ball of thread and a hook and im gone.well shes 16 and made her first tablecloth and im so very proud i cried. ![]() Friday, August 20, 2004Name: Vel Subject: love to learn Comment: A good friend of mine came down to my place picked me up and taught me how to crochet.Bless her heart.In all the years, I never thought it was possible.I made a baby blanket and a afghan,trying to make socks,that's another story.I found if you don't use markers you'll make one huge sock.yikes.I laugh at my mistakes and hope to learn and keep learning how to crochet with tricks of the trade. ![]() Friday, August 20, 2004Name: Gwyneth Subject: Posh Poncho Comment: I have never crocheted or knitted in my life! I say the photo of this poncho and gave it a try. I got a how to book from the library, and a week later I have a very cool poncho. Thank you so much for the easy to understand pattern! ![]() Friday, August 20, 2004Name: Kelly Subject: Inspired Comment: Thank you to Aadel, your wrote that you were making an Army blanket. Inspired by your idea, I went to the store to pick out yarn that were army colors. When I got to the check out line, the cashier said that the colors looked like Shrek. I was immediately motivated and last night got a great head start on a Shrek afghan. Once it is completed, I plan to pick up some Shrek paraphenalia and create a whole package and donate it to a children's charity for a Christmas gift this year. Thank you for this forum....it is awesome! ![]() Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Dianne Subject: Keep trying!!! Comment: Several years ago, my best friend came from out of state to visit. I asked her to teach me to crochet, so she took me to the store where we bought one hook, two skeins of yarn & a book with a simple pattern for a granny square place mat. I tried awfully hard and made several squares while she was here. She constantly encouraged me, but I just couldn't get the tension right. After she went back home, I didn't have any one to give me support, so I put it down & ignored it for about 2 years. I picked it back up again determined I was going to get it right & I was going to make a granny afghan. 3 months later, I had a beautiful afghan made with 120 squares and I could make a granny in my sleep. Recently, I found the very first granny I had made with my friend. I don't know how she kept encouraging me, but the first one was about 2 inches square--4 rounds mind you. That same square is now a much more normal size!! I've learned many stitches & made many patterns since then, so if you are a beginner having tension problems, DON'T GIVE UP!!! You can do it!!!! ![]() Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Patty Subject: Mom Comment: I learned how to crochet when I was about 8... My mother taught me. She however was a knitter and I could never grasp the concept of 2 needles(LOL).. I always remember he making baby items.. Sweater, Bonnets, Hats, booties... I began crochting again about 2 or 3 years ago... missing my mom, I thought it would make me feel closer to her... It does... I decided I would make a layette set to put away for when I had a child... My mom made them for everyone (except me) I was too young, not married and no kids when she passed away.... Needless to say 3 years later I accumulated so many layettes and baby crochet items I had to start selling them and giving them away.... I ran out of room for them... Crochet is my way to keep my mom alive... Thanks for reading, Patty ![]() Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Tawny Subject: Art Comment: I am 17 years old,and I've been crocheting since I was 12. My Grandma was trying to teach my sister and instead I learned from watching them. I have crocheted ever since, slowly learning more. I just recently learned how to follow pattern instructions. I've always just made up my patterns and that's still my favorite way to do it. I successfully made a very pretty cardigan without a pattern. Anyway, I've always loved 3D kinds of art, like jewelry making, pottery and sewing. But crocheting it one of the most simple, beautiful, and versatile. I crochet at home, on the school bus (I have an hour ride) and even in class sometimes (oh my teachers love that). My family doesn't have much money and crocheting is a unique way for me to spice up my wardrobe with hats, belts, etc. This is a truely amazing craft, and I'm glad others enjoy it as much as I do. ![]() Select A Page Share your own experiences by filling in the form below... Notice: If you want to send me (the webmistress) a "thank you" using this form, that is fine (I appreciate it). However, I may not be posting it publicly for all to see, and I have no way of responding without knowing your email address. Notice: By submitting your content, you are agreeing to have it displayed on this page. I retain the right to edit and/or refuse unsuitable content. (Unsuitable content includes questions and help requests.) All submissions are checked before being published. |
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