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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Jamie

Subject: wedding gift

Comment: My friend got married 20 years ago. As a gift, one of her friends gave her a set of 10 white dishcloths. Some of them are getting worn out after all these years. I made her some to replace them. She said the set of 10 dishcloths was one of her favorite, most memorable and practical gifts.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Monica

Subject: gift

Comment: A nice gift is a coupon that you'll teach the person to crochet (or do another craft). This is a good gift for people who have been telling you, "I'd love to learn to crochet someday." It's also a good gift for kids (check with parent first).

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Monica

Subject: weight loss

Comment: I was 40 pounds overweight. I figured out that I was eating a lot of calories in the evening when I was snacking after work. I had crocheted a long time ago. I started crocheting again to keep my hands busy, and figured I couldn't eat and crochet at the same time. I made 3 afgahns and lost all of that weight!

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Laura

Subject: learning to crochet

Comment: I tried knitting at first,but found it a little too difficult. I wondered about crochet and went and got myself a few hooks and yarn and taught myself with a little help from the internet. I really enjoy it. I find it very calming and relaxing. The only problem is the patterns. Why so hard to read? I'm going to keep trying until I get it right. It's alot of fun.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Denise

Subject: I taught myself too

Comment: A few years ago I wanted to learn how to crochet. So I bought some books and was so confused by the abbreviations. So I taught myself the simplest stitches and began making blankets and hats using double, single, and half double only. Luckily, they all turned out very well. I even gave some away as gifts! I love making up blankets with no pattern. Now five years later I am starting filet from a pattern on this site and I love it! It's hard learning on your own but so worth it. Now I always look for clearance yarns and my husband cringes when I "run off" to the store. (He never seems to complain though when he gets a new pair of comfy socks!)

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Heather.Rose.Russell

Subject: A great way to spend spare time

Comment: I have been crocheting now for 23 years and I love it. Right now, my favourite projects are small doilies and cross bookmarks which I like to give away as thank you gifts or other gifts. I have also crocheted numerous afghans, and taught my sister how to crochet in 1995, and now she's faster than me! :o) Keep up the good work with this website; I will be sure and visit it again.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Anne

Subject: Grandma

Comment: My grandmother taught me to chain stitch when I was 3 yrs old. Sadly, she was never able to teach me any more, and died when I was still very young. Now fast-forward some 30-odd years to when I, as an adult decided to learn to crochet from the internet. Imagine my surprise when I picked up a hook and yarn and found I still remembered that chain stitch! I learned single and double crochet, and now whenever I'm setting up my foundation chain for a new project (very simple ones, I'm still a beginner,) it's like connecting with my grandmother all over again.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Cheryl

Subject: Getting started

Comment: I remember crocheting my first afghan and little did I know you had to chain stitches before you turn to start a new row well by the time I was done it, it was bad the bottom row of the afghan was longer than the top my stitches were so loose it had big holes everywhere I wish I still had it so I could send in a pic so you could all have a laugh I'm laughing now just thinking about it(hahaha)

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Aadel

Subject: Getting started

Comment: My mom has crocheted since I was a child, but I was never interested in learning from her until I was a mom myself. I am now slowly learning from her and I have made several hats, dishcloths, washcloths, and I am now working on a camoflauge blanket for my husband (Army) and learning how to make baby layettes. I love crocheting!! I love being able to make something out of plain old yarn!!

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Ashley

Subject: Crocheting for relaxation...

Comment: I started crocheting last summer in August because my husband was sent to Kuwait and Iraq. I had absolutely nothing to do and in the first three weeks I had made two afghans, a baby blanket, four scarves, and a partridge in a pear tree. No, I'm just kidding about the partridge, but it is a great way to relax when times are rough you're down. I know it's the only thing that kept my mind off what my husband was up to overseas. I've been crocheting ever since and I can't tear myself away from it! I love it and I have EVERYONE in my family doing it!

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Susie

Subject: hooked on crochet

Comment: I learned to crochet slightly about 20 years ago. Not very well, I picked it back up after the kids were grown and my son went to Iraq awhile, any way the other day, i sat on a small crochet hook. Yow! Being a nurse, I removed it myself. I thought I was the only person in the WORLD to have done that!!! Thanks for the encouragement. I got the biggest laugh. Thanks, Susie

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: James

Subject: A long absence

Comment: When I was a little boy (about 7 or 8), our Filipino live-in housekeeper taught me to crochet, simple squares and circles. I loved the rhythm of it and the fact that I was creating something. I ended up keeping an 8-inch square that I made for about 20 years. I stopped crocheting because I was embarrassed (being a boy!), but I re-discovered it when I saw a "Teach Yourself to Crochet" book/hook set at a craft store buying tiles with my wife. Now our apartment is covered in yarn and I have my old hobby back!

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Cora

Subject: free-form whee...

Comment: I have crocheted about 10 years on and off. Lately I have been playing around with free-form just grab your thread and hook and see what happens. I must admit I turned out some pretty designs one in green which looks like leaves with closed and open stitches going in different directions. This is great when you need a rest from the hundreds of patterns you print out lol! It's a wonderful relaxant.

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Dora

Subject: learning to crochet

Comment: hello i am a new crochet person 39 years old i have no one to teach me so i am teaching myself i find alot of problems with reading those patterns and find myself getting frustrated sometimes but i am not going to give up and i find it funny to read some of these stories and i get help from them also. i haven't tried the thread ones but i do see lots of pretty stuff from them i have found lots of encouraging stories from sites like this so i really just want to say thanks to the ones who set up theses sites and to the ones whom share their stories, its making learning a little more fun THANKS TO ALL OF YOU

Friday, August 06, 2004Name: Jenelle

Subject: Nana

Comment: My Nana taught me to crochet probably about 35 yrs ago when I was about 3 yrs old! (I wish!).OK! OK! So I was about 15 yrs old!. She started me out on pillowcase edgings with thread! Yikes! What a way to start. But going from that to yarn was a cinch! I have had a hook in my hand ever since, it seems. I am the one at work who always has a hook and a skein tucked away in the desk drawer, or out in the lunch room. My family's favorite story about my crocheting is the time when I was learning with that teeny tiny hook and thread and my younger brother was rough housing and sat down hard on the hook that had fallen and was stuck standing part way up in the groovy shag carpet we had in those days. Much to his dismay, as well as my parents the teeny tiny hook went through his jeans and into his rear end cheek about 1 1/2 inches or so! Off to the emergency room he went (lying on his stomach in the back seat of my dad's van). My mother was afraid to pull it out and it was stuck on his jeans. The doctor got it out OK but my brothers butt and pride were extremely bruised. When he got home my Nana said she had seen a lot of things in her life but never anyone trying to crochet their butt together! I wonder if he thought that was as funny as we all did?

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