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Saturday, December 18, 2004Name: Mary

Subject: crochet rocks

Comment: I'm 15 and have been crocheting since i was seven. i recently started crochet again after taking a break. i didnt have any money and i had to get my awesome friend an awesome birthday present so i crused the net and found this site. i made an awesome granny square bag and struck a creative nerve in my school and friends. now several of my friends are learning to crochet, and so i started a crochet club. these free patterns are the best thanks.

Thursday, November 18, 2004Name: Goldie R.

Subject: I taught my mom how...

Comment: I'm a 18 year old senior in high school and I've been crocheting for about three years now. After my first year of crocheting, my mother was very interested in it. She is 35 years old. I gave in and finally taught my mother how to crochet. Recently, I taught myself a new pattern for a hat and since then, I've been crocheting hats for everyone. My family & friends even want to pay me to make their friends hats. I sometimes feel like a 18 year old grandma, but I feel that my talent for fibers is well worth it.

Sunday, November 07, 2004Name: Sue

Subject: Hurray for free patterns

Comment: Thanks to all who maintain this site and contribute free patterns. I am starting to crochet again after several years. My mom taught me when I was still in grade school. Now that ponchos are all the rage, I want to make one for my daughter. I use to have several that my grandmother made for me, but I no longer have them. I'm a busy working mom now, but I am motivated to start some new crochet projects. I also like to make doilies and small dolls. Happy crocheting everyone!

Sunday, November 07, 2004Name: Diana Cofield

Subject: Old Dog

Comment: Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I just learned to crochet two years ago. I am 71 years young and still lovin' it. Love your website. Keep it up.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004Name: Patty Wong From California

Subject: I did it so can you

Comment: I want to say thank you for this wonderful web site. I just started to crochet a year ago and I love it. It's so much fun and when I'm done with my project it brings me great joy. It's the best thing I've ever learned. I use to see my mother in law crochet all the time and I never wanted to learn till one day I had my little boy and then I realized, wouldn't it be nice to be able to make my baby a nice blanket? That's when I started to learn. I'm very greatful for my mother in law to have had the time to teach me. Mom if you are reading this I would like to say thank you for teaching me and helping me not give up when I thought I would never learn. I got it and it's all becuase of you :) I love you always... Patty Wong

Tuesday, November 02, 2004Name: Deanna

Subject: old fashion

Comment: I can't honestly remember when I learned to crochet. My grand-ma taught me (my mom's mom) and I used to drive my mother crazy, I could crochet before I could every pattern she'd have to read out loud to me as I followed along with my wool and my hook. When Grand-ma passed away my Mom and Aunts made sure that the items I crocheted as gifts for Grandma came back to me...they are some of the saddest little crocheted toys I've ever seen...but they have a spot of honor in my home and in my heart (I never knew Grandma kept them all those years!)
My husband teases me because anywhere we go to visit I drag my crochet bag with the current project in it along. I tell him I'm multi-tasking...I can drink coffee, carry on a conversation and then thank the hostess with a dishcloth or two that I've made in the visit!!! He tells me I'm just an old-fashioned girl at heart.
Thanks for this excellent site.

Monday, October 18, 2004Name: Amanda

Subject: I love this site

Comment: I have been crocheting for several years now and I can't tell you how much money I've spent buying magazines for only one pattern. Now that I've found this site I have not spent a dime on patterns. It will be a very long time until this site runs out of projects on my to do lists. I would also like to take the time to Thank the creators of this site. The projects are great and the selection is fabulous, so THANK YOU

Monday, October 18, 2004Name: Heather DiBella

Subject: Love This Site!

Comment: I really love this site. I'm working on ponchos now. I started crocheting mittens when I was younger and I now crochet them for all the members of our office's "Adopted" needy family during the holidays. Julie R is right, it's not just for girls. My dad (He's 56) knows how to crochet too, and it was a way for him and my mom to bond when they were first wed! Good luck to all, and keep up with the site; I love it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004Name: LeAnna.from.Germany

Subject: Been crocheting for 35 years...

Comment: My grandmother taught me the basics, but then in jr. high I had a few girl friends that I picked up a few stitches from and visa versa. The rest of the time I was self taught. I like to design alot of my own stuff. I'm on a real crochet tear right now after not touching a hook for 2 years. In the last month I've made shawls, sweater, back pack, snowflakes, apron, baby bunting and the list goes on...wonder what's bothering me that I'm crochet obsessed right now...ah better to crochet than to do something worse...good therapy though! Great site.

Sunday, October 10, 2004Name: LeeAnna

Subject: All Of It

Comment: This is one fantastic site. I can appreciate the hours involved in searching and posting all the lovely patterns. The pictures make it so much nicer to browse and if someone can't find a project... shame, shame. Have lost count of all the returns visits I have made.

Friday, October 08, 2004Name: becky

Subject: self taught

Comment: I taught myself to crochet from internet sites. I have never actually "seen" someone crochet, except myself and I am not sure if I do it correctly but my stuff turns out good. I have taught friends how to crochet I may be teaching them the wrong way, but it works! It's very relaxing and keeps me from eating while watching tv. Thank you for this site...I especially like the patterns with more text than abbreiviations because I am not a big fan of paying attention to a pattern, it takes away all the fun.

Friday, October 08, 2004Name: Mary

Subject: Love Crocheting With a Passion


Thursday, October 07, 2004Name: Julie.Rodriguez

Subject: Boys crochet too

Comment: I have a 6 year old boy who wanted to learn to crochet. So far he likes it. It's not just a hobby for little girls its also for little boys. I love this site. It has everything i ever wanted in a crochet pattern site. Thank You so much!!!!!!

Saturday, October 02, 2004Name: Jo.Wood

Subject: Crocheting!

Comment: I have been crocheting ever since I was in high school. One of my best friends taught me how. Not my mom, grandma's, aunts, nor uncles knew how at the time. My mom, & sisters have learned how since then. My first project was an afghan. I had it until I left my ex. When I left it was not in the best of circumstances. I had all kinds of patterns for things ranging from afghans to doilies, & dolls. I did not take them with me. I thank God for sites like this one that allow people like me who do not have patterns of their own, or want to share patterns with others that they do have. I have not crocheted in a while. I am finally getting back to it. I miss it alot. I have always loved homemade things, & handmade things. I personnly think they make a home truely a home. Make it feel sort of like your grandma's home. They make you feel the love that goes into them. May God bless each & everyone of you & happy crocheting.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004Name: elisabeth.silvestre

Subject: just a hobby

Comment: i have been crocheting since i was 7 i started the put it down for about a year then picked it back and finished my first one. it was for my grandpa and also the biggest one i've ever made i've only made about 9 or 10. I am 13 years now my mom tought me how to and her grandma tought her how to. i just do it as a hobby, i do double,single, half, and double yarn too.i only make afgans.i make them for my family and close, close friends.i also made one for this thing called A cystis fibrosis auction. they sold it for $110. well thank you all for listening.

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