Pattern Links Were Last Added: Friday, March 20, 2015

Latest Notes From
CPC's Webmistress:

The winter issue of Crochetvolution is now online (with free patterns). - 4523 days ago

Added pattern links in 2 batches (hours apart) today (Oct 27th). If you checked early, check back now for more. - 4530 days ago

Visit our sister sites:
Knitting Pattern Central
Cross Stitch Pattern Central
Tatting Pattern Central
Embroidery Pattern Central

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Crochet Pattern Central (CPC)?

2. I'm looking for a pattern and I couldn't find it on CPC. Any ideas?

3. I'm having problems printing a pattern. Can you help?

4. Where can I go on-line to find other crocheters?

5. I'm trying to learn how to crochet, but I don't know where to start!

6. I'm trying to make a specific pattern larger or smaller. Is this possible?

7. Should I report dead links to you?

8. I found a free crochet pattern (with a picture) that's not on CPC. Should I tell you?

9. I need sports team/Disney/John Deere patterns, but I can't find much. Why?

10. Can I sell something that I made using a pattern that I found via CPC?

11. I sent an e-mail to you and didn't get a response. What happened?

12. Is there a site like this for knitting?

1. What is Crochet Pattern Central (CPC)?

CPC is, in short, a directory, or a collection, of links to other people's free crochet patterns. People design patterns and put them on a web site. I only categorize them and link to them so you can find them with ease.

2. I'm looking for a pattern and I couldn't find it on CPC. Any ideas?

Hmm, that must mean it a: doesn't exist b: is on the web without a picture c: it has eluded me to date, or d: is in a book, magazine, or leaflet that you have to buy. Out of all of these, "d" is the most likely answer. I'm not familiar with leaflets, so I'd suggest checking out my favorite forum to see if someone else can help you.

3. I'm having problems printing a pattern. Can you help?

Probably not, sorry. I can only help with problems that are on my site. Most patterns are not on my site, so you must contact the designer who owns the pattern.

4. Where can I go on-line to find other crocheters?

Why, one of my favorite places, of course! Crochetville. It's all there. Connect with local crocheters, admire finished products, ask for help, talk about thread crochet or felting, seek patterns, join a swap, discuss yarn... Need I say more? You must register to be a part, but it is free, and worth it!

5. I'm trying to learn how to crochet, but I don't know where to start!

Don't panic! Help is only a few clicks away... First, you need to know the basic stitches. I suggest Nexstitch's video tutorials. Then, you need to pick a pattern. That's what CPC is here for; there are thousands of pattern choices. If you need help, ask questions at my favorite friendly forum: Crochetville. Another wonderful site with answers to a lot of crochet questions is Crochet Cabana.

6. I'm trying to make a specific pattern larger or smaller. Is this possible?

Probably, but please don't ask me to help, because I'd probably mess up the entire project! (I crochet, but I don't claim to be an expert.) Sometimes, using different yarn or a different hook size is all you need to do. Or, try inquiring at a forum.

7. Should I report dead links to you?

You can if you want. I have an automated link checker that runs every Wednesday and Sunday and catches the dead links. I view the results and either remove or update the link. However, there are sometimes problems that the link check does not catch. Also, if you find a pattern that no longer has a picture or is no longer free, I'd appreciate it if you'd send me a note.

8. I found a free crochet pattern (with a picture) that's not on CPC. Should I tell you?

Yes! I'd love to hear about new patterns I haven't found yet.

9. I need sports team/Disney/John Deere patterns, but I can't find much. Why?

One word: copyright. Anybody who designs things like that, and offers them, gets in trouble, because the big companies don't allow such. You have to purchase rights to distribute their "image"... whether it is Pooh, Spiderman, or the Green Bay Packers. You may be able to find some character patterns in leaflets, but you won't be finding many (if any) for free online.

10. Can I sell something that I made using a pattern that I found via CPC?

That depends entirely on which pattern. Check the copyright at the end of the pattern or on the site where the pattern is located. Most copyrights say you may make the item for your person use or to give as a gift. A few copyrights state you can make the item to sell, as long as you are not selling the pattern itself. You have to do your homework on this.

11. I sent an e-mail to you and didn't get a response. What happened?

I respond to every email received (as long as it is not SPAM). If you do not get a reply, perhaps you made an error typing in your email address, spam-blockers did not allow my message through, or your mailbox was full.

12. Is there a site like this for knitting?

Why, of course! KPC debuted in November 2004 and is at your service! :o)

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