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The winter issue of Crochetvolution is now online (with free patterns). - 4529 days ago Added pattern links in 2 batches (hours apart) today (Oct 27th). If you checked early, check back now for more. - 4535 days ago Visit our sister sites: Knitting Pattern Central Cross Stitch Pattern Central Tatting Pattern Central Embroidery Pattern Central ![]() |
Encouragement and TestimonialsHere you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit! Jump to submit form ![]() Tuesday, March 13, 2012Name: chloe Subject: love my talent to crochet Comment: i love crocheting!!! when I start i never want to stop i was taught when i was 10 years old I am almost 12!!! ![]() Friday, March 02, 2012Name: susan g Subject: crocheting helped me <3 Comment: i have tryed to quit smokeing for some od yrs i was smoking since i was 16 but i have finly quite for a yer n like 3 months now & its all becues i took up croceting so i gust i can say crocheting safed my life & now with the money i save from quit smokeing i buy my yard n crocheting stuff <3!!!! ![]() Sunday, February 19, 2012Name: julie Subject: i love my hobby! Comment: I taught myself to crochet when I was 18. I absolutely love it! I'm married now, have 3 beautiful kids and was excited everytime I got pregnant, knowing that I had a new reason to make more beautiful things! My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and worked through the pain by crocheting that baby a blanket! It was the best therapy! Everytime I feel sad about the loss, I can grab that blanket, snuggle it and feel like I am still able to have that connection to the baby. Crocheting is more than just making something, it's a passion and a healing process. I'm so happy that I learned to crochet! It will stick with me for the rest of my life! ![]() Wednesday, February 15, 2012Name: Kat Subject: Age I started to Crochet Comment: My Aunt Janice, may she rest in peace, taught me how to crochet at age four. I was only able to learn the chain stitch, since I had the attention span of a gold fish. But since then she had taught me more and more, and though I couldn't do it right, I was able to see what amazing things I could make. Now I'm 22 and I can make a plethora of items in which to decorate with or to give away as gifts. Thanks to her, I have learned a life skill that keeps me from going insane from my other relatives, as well as something to occupy my idle hands. ^_^ I hope others find it as rewarding as I do! ![]() Sunday, February 12, 2012Name: Jennifer Subject: Love crocheting! Comment: My mom taught me the basics of crocheting when I was 18. Now at 29 I am teaching myself other stiches besides the granny square and how to read patterns. Thank God for websites like these.I drive a truck for a living with my husband and crocheting is easy to do while away from home. Hopefully other younger people will find crocheting as fun and relaxing as much as I do. ![]() Friday, February 10, 2012Name: MY name is your name Subject: crochet is AMAZING Comment: I am eleven now, and I learned how to crochet at um.. around eight years old. My friends and family taught me a few of the basics. I looked up other things on the computer, and I am getting better. I love making little projects, and when I get more experience, I will make my OWN patterns! Crochet is a good way to spend my free time, and I make clothes for my stuffed toys. ![]() Monday, February 06, 2012Name: Sydney Subject: Learning to crochet Comment: I just learned how to crochet. I used to go on YouTube and try to figure it out, sometimes it would get very discouraging. For Christmas my mom gave me a lesson from a very nice lady. There it finally made sense. Now I'm like a crocheting machine. This website has really helped, thank you. ![]() Saturday, January 28, 2012Name: donna Subject: how I learned to crochet Comment: I was seven years old when my teenage sister asked me if I wanted to learn to crochet. I was anxous to learn. She showed me how to hold the thread and hook with her right hand. I am left handed and I cannot crochet to this day left handed. ![]() Saturday, January 28, 2012Name: Lynda Subject: Relaxation Comment: My mom taught me when I was 9 or so, but I gave up when I couldn't figure out why when I crocheted that I always messed up. I found my crochet hook a few years later, and re-taught myself how to do it. I find that when I crochet that I relax, and go into a sort-of happy zone. Crocheting is fun, and soothing. L ![]() Monday, January 23, 2012Name: Julie Subject: Closeness through crochet Comment: It was my mother-in-law who offered to teach me to crochet, and in an effort to get to know her, I accepted. I didn't have any real interest in it as I'm not a crafty person by nature, but because I married into a blended family I knew a special effort had to be made to get to know the amazing individuals that made up the clan. Lo and behold, it turns out I AM a crafty person and my mother-in-law, she lets me call her Nana now, is a dear friend with insights and inspirations beyond just yarn craft. Crochet is something I love to do, the feel of it in my hands and the friendship it engenders in my heart. More than a craft, it's a mean to connect as I create and I simply can't imagine my life without crochet. ![]() Monday, January 23, 2012Name: David Subject: Age i started to crochet. Comment: i am a guy and i started to crochet at the ripe old age of 65 plus i am teaching myself i have all ready done a cot blanket for my sons daughter i am now trying to do some thing for the wife. ![]() Sunday, January 15, 2012Name: Lela Subject: crochet a longtime friend Comment: I learned to crochet from my Grandma Ida when I was 16 or 17. She patiently showed me over and over when she stayed with us and I don't recall finding it to hard. I am now 62 years old and just 2 years ago I had a stroke which made my left side weak.. The therapist told me to try to crochet in one of my sessions so I went home and tried but couldn't regulate the thread with my left hand.. Oh, I just cried. I said "Lord please let me crochet yet." I tried again the next week and I could barely do it. The next week was even better until now I'm back to doing my doilies again... Keep at it.. It's good therapy for mind and body. I too am glad so many young people are crocheting...... ![]() Friday, January 13, 2012Name: Maxie Subject: Crochet for a Lifetime Comment: Let me say it loud - Crochet Pattern Central rocks! What a fabulous resource for us yarn junkies who must have a work in progress. I learned to crochet from my mother's friend back in the late 50's with a size 1 steel crochet hook and crochet thread. While I loved spool knitting (anyone else remember that?) and used up our old cotton feedsacks to sew (horrible) doll clothes, I remember thinking that crocheting with that little tiny hook and thread was more like punishment than fun. So it wasn't until 1974 that my dear mother-in-law re-introduced me to crocheting (with YARN) and got me hooked, no pun intended. We made about everything we could from patterns in magazines, newspapers and library books - no Internet then. We waited expectantly for the Woman's Day and Family Circle magazines' Christmas gifts editions to come out in November which were always loaded with new patterns! I have not stopped crocheting since. Lost my job this past summer and, with a friend, did craft fairs and special orders this fall. The thought that someone would pay for something I love to do was amazing and the money surely came in handy for Christmas. I am excited to see so many young folks are crocheting - it really is a passion for a lifetime! ![]() Monday, January 09, 2012Name: Sharon Subject: Crochet Comment: I love to crochet and taught myself 3 years ago. Now its a budding little business. I love doing baby sets and creating my own patterns. When my little girl is a bit older I will be teaching her too. ![]() Thursday, January 05, 2012Name: Fawnee Subject: Crocheting at School Comment: I'm so heartened to hear all those 7-17 year olds crocheting! I brought my crochet to school to get a head start on Christmas presents and got mountains of ooohhhs and aaahhhs while I was working on my gifts. Every time I wear something homemade, I now get asked with respect, "Did you make that? I wish I knew how to do that! That's so pretty!" I also was surprised to hear how many high schoolers (especially in my school on the bad side of town) knew how to crochet! The moral: Crochet has enabled me to show my creativity and individuality while making beautiful items to wear or use. Don't be afraid to keep crocheting! ![]() Select A Page Share your own experiences by filling in the form below... Notice: If you want to send me (the webmistress) a "thank you" using this form, that is fine (I appreciate it). However, I may not be posting it publicly for all to see, and I have no way of responding without knowing your email address. Notice: By submitting your content, you are agreeing to have it displayed on this page. I retain the right to edit and/or refuse unsuitable content. (Unsuitable content includes questions and help requests.) All submissions are checked before being published. |
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