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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Friday, November 18, 2011Name: Tanya

Subject: never too late

Comment: When I was very young I remember watching my great grandma crochet. I was always interested in how to do it. She tried to teach me. She was very patient. But I was not very patient with myself. Since then, I have learned that it is a life skill that is immeasurably important. It wasn't until much later in life that a good friend tried to teach me to knit. Again she was very patient and kind. But this time I was in a different place mentally. I was able to have patience with myself. I learned everything I think there must be to know about it, because I was so excited to finally be able to learn something so cool. Now I decided to pick up crochet and i really enjoy it so much more. Probably because I feel it so much more versatile.
If you find it hard to learn crochet, don't be so hard on yourself, have patience, and maybe go back to it another time that day, that month, that year or that lifetime. But don't give it up completely. Don't tell yourself I can't do it. You just may surprise yourself with how much you can do. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011Name: Brittany

Subject: Awesome Stress Relief

Comment: I'm 18, and I taught myself how to crochet when I started college a few months ago. I absolutely love it, and I've already convinced my mother to join me in my hobby. My favorite things to crochet are scarves and hats, and I absolutely love trying out different yarns. I have to say that there is nothing better than making a cute little hat to wind down after a day filled with classes and homework.

Saturday, November 12, 2011Name: Angela

Subject: I Love Crochet

Comment: I tried crocheting when I was younger (6 years old I think) but I just did not have the patience for it then, lol. Halfway through last year (2010) my mum showed me the basics (again!) and I threw myself into it... I have a chronic back pain injury and it has not only allowed me to make things for my children, but it is such a great and absorbing distraction from my pain! I also tried knitting last year but I just cannot do it to save my life (I hope I never have to because I wouldn't make it out alive, lol), I cannot even knit a square properly... with crochet it is challenging enough to keep me stimulated, and it comes together so much quicker than knitting that I don't feel disheartened looking at how much I have already done. I am 27 this year (2011) and no one I am close to around my age crochets so I am a bit on the outer in that way - but I love it too much ;P . I haven't crocheted in a while so I want to get back into it while we wait for our fourth baby who is due in a few weeks... Happy crocheting to you all!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011Name: vicky

Subject: learn it while your young!

Comment: My titi showed me how to crochet when i was 10, and it is so easy now! My hands flow freely, i can even crochet without looking. Its a great stress reliver, and i heard it can help with athritis. I cant see why anyone wouldnt want to learn to crochet!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011Name: Sara

Subject: Crochet

Comment: I am 15 years old, and I learned to crochet when I was eleven. My aunt taught me, and her granny taught her, so I'm keeping the tradition alive. It is a timeless art, and I have made countless things, some of which I have sold. Thank you for your site! I am so glad people understand that sharing patterns is more fun than buying them from someone!

Saturday, October 29, 2011Name: Diana White

Subject: 24/7

Comment: I just learned to crochet last year im 21 and i LOVE it! I love this pattern page and youtube tutorials! I only hate it when my fingers cramp a little.. and when i gotta get up and stop crocheting to clean, use the bathroom, cook, etc.. lol I wish i learned this as a teen... i would have deffinately done more and learned more than i already am! :) but im deffinately glad it didnt take longer to learn!!

Friday, October 28, 2011Name: Laura

Subject: Crocheting

Comment: My grandmother taught me how to crochet when i was 12. I must've made 100 miles of chain stitching before moving on to other stitches. Unfortunately, I didn't appreciate this art until I was much older. Five years ago I needed some relaxation and picked up the hook again... now I can't stop!! I am now 56 and regret all those wasted years not crocheting. I love CPC and You tube tutorials. I have learned many new patterns and tips. AM now trying to encourage my 11 yr. old niece to learn.....

Friday, October 21, 2011Name: Barbie Dawn

Subject: Love It!

Comment: I'm teaching myself to crochet and have discovered this wonderful website through a young lady I met in Michael's recently. Don't want to mention her name due to privacy but want to thank her for referring me to your CPC website. I'm learning a lot and am crocheting away! I just love it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011Name: Andrea R.

Subject: Love Crocheting

Comment: I taught myself how to knit last year, and really liked it. But I really wanted something new, so I tried crocheting, now I'm stuck on it and perfer it way over knitting. I'm 13 and LOVE to crochet!!

Monday, October 03, 2011Name: angee

Subject: crochet allowed me to make extra money

Comment: My cousin taught me how to crochet when I was 15. I would crochet for relaxation. In 1977, I divorced and was without a job. There was a small shop in my town that sold handmade items. I brought my crochet creations there (childrens toys) and I was able to make money to carry me and my children through, until I was able to find a job. I still would bring my wares to the shop even after I was working. I would crochet during my breaks and lunch hour at work, and in the evenings after the kids went to bed. People saw my handiwork at my job and I would sell toys there too. It was a life saver!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011Name: Charlene

Subject: Stress reliever

Comment: I know how to knit and crochet. Learning how to knit was harder for me. I met a nice lady in a yarn shop named Susan, while learning how to crochet. I told her I was stuck on the granny square. She asked me if I was paying the owner of the shop to show me where I went wrong, which I had and she said if you ever need help call me. Susan gave me a stranger her telephone number. I asked her how much did she charge, she said I don't, how can I charge someone when someone showed me. I called her the next week we got together and she helped me on my crochet and taught me how to knit as well.

I went through a dark place in my life 3 years ago. I wish I knew how to crochet then. It is a great stress reliever.

Monday, September 19, 2011Name: Eliza

Subject: Young Crochet

Comment: When I was 7 years old, I got sick during a school day. My mom, a stay-at-home-mom at the time, was the only one that was at home at the time with me. So to keep me busy and preocupied from my vomit-ing body, she went out and bought a Skein of yarn.
Ever since, I have been crocheting like crazy. When I was 10 years old, I wore the first Crocheted Hat I ever made, and my friends loved it! When I told them I had made it, they all gushed at how cool it was!
Moral of this story- crocheting is a worthy pasttime!

Thursday, September 08, 2011Name: Marsha

Subject: A cure for biting your fingernails

Comment: When I was a young girl, I chewed my fingernails so bad they would bleed. My parents tried everything to stop me all to no avail. When I got married and pregnant with my first child I decided to teach myself how to crochet. My hands were so busy crocheting I didn't have time to bite my fingernails. I had broke the habit through crocheting and now I have beautiful long strong nails. I'm 65 now, still crochet and love it.

Sunday, September 04, 2011Name: Mariah

Subject: Crocheting

Comment: I learned to crochet when I was 9. My cousin Maryrose taught me. I use my gift of crocheting by making blankests that get sent to third-world countries. They are then given to mothers there with newborn babies. I just crochet squares and the double crochet them together. I also make mats. You cut bags into stripes, tie them together, then crochet them into a mat. It makes me feel really good when I finish one! I encourage everyone to try this and give it to an organization that will take it! It's fun!

Saturday, August 20, 2011Name: Gianna

Subject: Crochet

Comment: I started crocheting when I was about 8, now I am 12 and i have made hats, scarves, and tons of amigurumis. I learned recently that i have been using the back loop only stitch in all of my work. When you do this, scarves, blankets, and other projects that are square or rectangular get a rigid pattern. so if you want some texture your next scarf, or any other project, use back loop only in every stitch.

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