Featured Pattern of the Week:
Cute Turkey
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Friday, March 20, 2015
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6" Squares
Patterns preceded by an asterisk (*) are in
Patterns preceded by an plus sign (+) require free registration (to that particular pattern site, not to Crochet Pattern Central) before viewing.
16 Circles Square (6")
Afghan Square (6")
Alhambra Square (6")
Aligned Shells Afghan Square (6")
Altair Square (6")
Amber Waves Afghan Square (6 or 7")
Another Variation of a Granny Square (6")
Antique Pearls Square (6")
Around the Post Square (6")
Arrow Afghan Square (6")
Azalea Square (6")
Baby Ball Square (6")
Baby Flower Motif Square (6 1/4")
Bailey Afghan Square
Balancing Act Square (6")
Basic Granny Square (6")
Basic Granny Square (6")
Basket in the Window Square (6")
Basket Weave Square (6")
Betelgeuse Square (6")
Bev's Soft Flower Square (6")
Birds and Lilies Square (6")
Box Fan Square (6")
Bubblegum Square (6")
Bulky Square (6")
Bursting Corners Granny Square
Cabled Heart Square (6")
Cabled Lines Heart Square (6")
Caged Flower Square (6")
Candy Corn Square (6")
Carnival Square (6")
Carousel Square (6 or 7")
Catching a Flower Square (6")
Cathedral Windows Square (6 or 8")
Celtic Granny Square (6")
Chain Link Square (6")
Checkerboard Square (6")
Chessboard Square (6")
Chickens Square (6")
Christmas Afghan Square (6")
Christmas Granny Square (6")
Christmas Tree Pine Fresh Square (~6.7")
Chubby Butterfly Square (6")
Circle in the Square (6")
Climbing Corners Square (6")
Clover Afghan Square (6")
Cobble Block Square (6")
Cockade Square (6")
Common Flower Square (6")
Control Issues Square (6")
Cool 2B Square (6")
Corkscrew Square (6 or 7")
Corn Flower Square (6 or 12")
Cornered Hearts Square (6")
Cotton Candy Square (6")
Cross Stitch Square (6")
Dahlia Crocodile Stitch Square (6")
Dahlia Square (6")
Diagonal Box Stitch Square (6")
Diamond Petals Square (6")
Diane Flower Square (6")
Dog Rose Square (6")
Dogwood Blossom Motif (6")
Earth Square (6")
Easter Square (6")
Easy Ruffled Square (6")
Eliot Square (6")
End of the Scepter Square (6")
Eye of the Vampire Square (6")
Eyes in the Mist Square (6")
Farmington Square (6")
Fireworks Afghan Square (6")
Fisherman's Ring Square (6")
Flower Burst Square (6")
Flower Button Granny Square (6")
Flower Child Granny Square (6")
Flower Day Square (6")
Flower Granny Square (6")
Flower Square (6")
Flower-child Square (6")
Flowers and Rows Square (6")
Fluffy Square (6")
Fluttering Breeze Square (6")
Forever Lace Square (6")
Four Hearts Square (5 3/4")
Four Pointed Star Square (6")
Four Sample Squares (6 or 12")
Four Triangles Square (6")
Framed Church Windows Square (6")
Framing a Flower Square (6")
Fresh Air Square (6")
Friendship Bear Square (6 or 8")
Front Post Ripple Square (6")
G Square Cap and Bill Crochet Hat
Garden of Flowers Square (6")
Garden Square (6")
Gem Star Square (6")
Gothic Square (6 and 7")
Grace-Adia Flower Square (6")
Granny Heart Square (6")
Granny Loves a Baby Square (6")
Granny Square
Grass Square (6")
Green Thumb Square (6 or 12")
Halloween Afghan Square (6")
Harvest Square (6")
Haze Square (6")
Heart Afghan Square (6")
Heart Pattern Square (6")
Heart Stricken Square (6")
His Design Square (6")
Holiday Applique Granny Squares (6")
Hugs the Wheel Square (6")
I Love a Parade Patriotic Square (6")
I'm So Blue Square (6 1/4")
In the Round Square (6")
Intersection Square (6")
Irish Square (6")
Italian Flag Square (6")
JAC Rose Square (6")
Jackalope Square (6")
Jackie's Heart Granny Square (6")
Jubilee Square (6")
Julia's Flower Square (6")
Jungle Square (6")
Jupiter Square (6")
Just Peachy Blossom Square (6")
Kaleidoscope Square (6")
Kingfield Square (6")
Lacy Diamond Square (6")
Lady's Rose Square (6")
Little Dahlia Square (6")
Little Flower Square (6")
Loopy Flower Square (6")
Love and Honor Square (6")
Luisa Square (6")
Manna Square (6")
March Square (6")
Mars Square (6")
Mary's Flower Granny Square (6")
May Flower Square (6")
Mercury Square (6")
Mint Delight Square (6")
Moms Flower Square (6")
Moon Square (6")
Mum Square (6")
Neptune Square (6")
New Year Burst Square (6" or 10")
Newport Square (6")
North Star Square (6")
Nosegay Square (6 and 7")
Off The Top Of My Head Square (6")
Open Cross Square (6")
Open Treble Puff Heart Square (6")
Orange Blossom Square (6 or 12")
Origami Granny Square (6.5")
Orion Square (6")
Patty's Square (6")
Peace, Love, and Granny Squares
Peek-A-Boo Shells Square (6")
Phoebe Square (6")
Picot of the Day Square (6")
Pineapple Sun Square (6")
Pinky Dream Square (6")
Pixie Flower Square (6")
Pluto Square (6")
Pretty Spaces Square (6" or 12")
Puff Flower Square (6")
Puff Granny Square (6")
Puff Pastry Square (6")
Puffed Cross Square (6")
Puffy Square (6")
Raspberry Medallion Square (6”)
Reflected Dragonfly Square (6")
Rigel Square (6")
Ring Around a New Year Square (6")
Ring in the Middle Afghan Square (6")
Ruffley Squircle Square (6")
Saturn Square (6")
Seeing Spots Square (6 or 12")
Shape Shifting Square (6")
Shell Stitch Square (6")
Shells Around Square (6")
Simple Wish Square (6")
Single Dragonfly Square (6")
Sirio Square (6")
Skull Granny Square (6")
Slanted Square (6")
Smoke Rings Square (6")
Snow Flower Square (6 or 7")
Snowflake Breeze Square (6")
Snowflake Lace Square (6")
Somewhat Girly Camo Square (6")
Special Surprise: Free Motif Pattern
Spider in the Barn Square (6")
Spring Loops Square (6")
Squiggles Square (6")
Staggered Puff Square (6")
Star of David Square (6")
Star Square (6")
Stars in His Eyes Square (6")
Stash Bustin' - Crochet Flower in a Square
Stash Bustin' - Dahlia in a Square
Stash Bustin' - Sunflower in a Square
Sticks and Stones Square (6")
Stratton Square (6")
Striped Checkerboard Afghan Square (6.5")
Striped Double Rainbow Square (6")
Strong Tower Square (6")
Subtle Hearts Square (6")
Sun Square (6")
Sunburst Granny Square (6 or 7")
Sunburst Square (6")
Sunny Day Rooster Afghan Square (6")
Sunshine Square (6")
Sweet Buttercup Square (6")
Tagliatelle Square (6")
That Froggy Square (6")
That Turtle Square (6")
Thetys Square (6")
Tiffany Block Square (6")
Tongues of Fire Square (6")
Topsy Turvy Square (6")
Treble Puff Heart Square (6")
Treble Thread Square (6 1/2")
Two for One Heart Square (6 or 12")
Uranus Square (6")
Ursa Major Square (6")
Ursa Minor Square (6")
Venus Square (6")
Vertical Ribbons Square (6")
Vintage Lace Square (6")
Vintage Pineapple Square No. S738
Vintage Pineapple Square No.S739
Vintage Popcorn Pineapple Square
Vintage Wheel Square (6")
Viola Garden Party Square (6")
Viola Square (6")
Vs and Fans Window Square (6")
Wagon Wheel Granny Square (6")
Wild Granny Square (6")
Window Pane Square (6")
Windowpane Scrap Square (6")
Winter Burst Square (6")
Winter Star Square (6")
X O Squared Square (6")
Xmas Star Square (6")
Yellow Puff Flower Granny Square (6")
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